Clinical systems integration takes front and center at HIMSS16

Clinical systems integration takes front and center at HIMSS16


MCIRCC’s Catalyst Team headed to Las Vegas earlier this month for the largest health IT conference in the country.

Las Vegas was the setting for HIMSS16, the largest health IT conference in the country, where 40,000+ healthcare professionals congregated and collaborated to solve the challenges faced in aggregating and interpreting the myriad of data collected in healthcare settings. The conference, attended by Catalyst Team members Mark Salamango, Ashwin Belle, Dan Stuart and Ray Aldrich, is especially relevant to MCIRCC as its data science and analytics team is a leader in healthcare data aggregation and analysis.

This year, the term on everyone’s mind was “clinical systems integration.” In healthcare settings, a wealth of data is available, but the sheer volume of data and disparate sources—or systems—from which the data is culled can combine to make meaningful use of the data difficult. Solving the complexity of healthcare data could open a whole new world of tools for physicians, improving outcomes for millions of patients.

Also discussed at HIMSS16, was data security. The amount of data available to physicians, data scientists and engineers in healthcare is overwhelming. However, a challenge is keeping that data, which could include a patient’s medical history, social security number or even something as simple as a patient’s age, safe and private. The advancement in interpretation methods for healthcare data must be matched by vigilance to ensure the data stays in the right hands, and HIPAA-compliant.

MCIRCC is uniquely situated to make crucial advancements in clinical systems integration because the data it collects and stores is not only structured, it is also streaming in real-time, continuous, and in waveform. Already, MCIRCC’s pioneering work, and reconciliation of structured and unstructured data streams led to the Analytic for Hemodynamic Instability (AHI). Ashwin Belle believes U-M has the winning combination of infrastructure, investment and talent to ensure that AHI is just the beginning.

“A variety of players in the industry today are enthusiastically developing point solutions to harmonize amorphous clinical data sources for meaningful use," Ashwin said. "However developing actionable insight and astute analytics from the such data requires more than just clean data. It also requires an eco-system of multidisciplinary innovators and clinical domain experts to work together in designing novel precision solutions for outstanding clinical problems. This is where the University of Michigan uniquely fosters such a rich and diverse ecosystem along with strategic investments for developing clinically viable and scalable solutions."
