Our partners are just as passionate as we are about critical care.

Our integration strategy not only leverages expertise from faculty across disciplines from the University of Michigan, it also leverages expertise and resources from a wide range of external industry partners and donors, ensuring Weil's ability to speed innovation to impact. 

External Innovation and Research Partners

Weil's desire to transform the field of critical care is shared by organizations outside the University of Michigan. As such, the institute has and continues to develop strategic partnerships with organizations that share our commitment. These partnerships include philanthropic foundations, federal research and educational organizations, product development service partners, and companies (existing and new spinoffs) that have licensed technology from Weil to bring to the bedside. This growing list is constantly producing new and exiting opportunities to save lives.

 Campus Innovation Partners

The University of Michigan has a number of world-class innovation programs that provide innovation funding and entrepreneurship education and services for high-risk, high-reward technology development. These services range from early idea development to new company formation and product licensing.

 Campus Research Partners

The University of Michigan has incredible breadth and depth in many domains in the form of multidisciplinary centers and institutes which span its highly ranked schools and colleges. Many Weil Institute faculty members are a part of the centers and institutes listed below, which allow for additional innovation and integration opportunities enhancing our ability to transform critical care.