MCIRCC members to present at MHSRS
MCIRCC members to present at MHSRS
Several MCIRCC members have been invited to present at the Defense Department’s premier scientific meeting, the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), this week in Florida. The joint symposium provides a collaborative environment for military medical care providers with deployment experience, military scientists, academia, and industry to exchange information on research and health care advancements.
Oral presentations:
- Kevin Ward, MD - Novel Monitoring of Tissue Microvasculature Oxygenation using Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
- Ashwin Belle, PhD - A System for Continuous Monitoring and Decision Support of Hemorrhaging Warfighters
- Rodney Daniels, MD - Evaluating Whole Blood vs Plasma Redox Potential Measures in Healthy Humans and in a Swine Hemorrhagic Shock Model
- Mark Salamango - Data Data Everywhere Nor Any Drop to Drink...Until Now
- J. Scott Van Epps, MD, PhD - Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Coatings to Prevent Implanted Medical Device Infection
- S.M.Reza Soroushmehr, PhD - A Machine Learning Approach to Determine the Need for Head CT among Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
Poster session:
- Hakam Tiba, MD - Use of a Novel Pelvic Hemostasis Belt to Control Lethal Arterial Hemorrhage
- Hakam Tiba, MD - Development of a Novel Non-Invasive Technologies to Evaluate Intravascular Volume Status Using Bio impedance
- S.M.Reza Soroushmehr, PhD - Quantitative Assessment of Hematoma in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Sardar Ansari, PhD - A Portable Non-invasive Polyvinylidene Fluoride Based Sensor for Detection of Hemorrhage