Saying Goodbye to the PDU's Jaine Place




Please join us in extending our best wishes to MCIRCC’s Proposal Development Unit Manager, Jaine Place. After a 35 year career, three of which were spent at MCIRCC, Jaine will be retiring at the end of this month.

At the forefront of the proposal development career path, Jaine has spent her entire career helping to facilitate interdisciplinary research teams both at North Carolina State University and at the University of Michigan.

In her three years at MCIRCC, she played a prominent role in coordinating proposals that garnered over $33 million in funding. Jaine accomplished everything from seeking out funding opportunities to assisting with the strategic packaging of proposals. On occasion, she was the “traffic cop” needed to bring teams together.  

“My goal was always to let researchers and clinicians do what they do best—focus on the science. It was my responsibility to handle the logistics,” she said.

A curious person with a wide variety of interests, Jaine felt especially lucky to find herself at MCIRCC.

“I’ve always been able to work with people who are passionate about making the world a better place. It has made my career endlessly interesting,” she said.

Jaine is especially grateful to have worked at an organization like MCIRCC that works with the most severely ill and critically injured patients on the planet. “If that doesn’t drive you, I don’t know what will.”

While she’s always appreciated the “dry wit” and “creativity” of the MCIRCC team, Jaine says she’s especially thankful to have been mentored by MCIRCC’s Executive Director, Kevin Ward, MD.

“Dr. Ward is trying to solve an enormous problem for the world. To have him as a mentor has been a singular honor,” said Jaine.

While we’re incredibly sad to see Jaine leave MCIRCC, we’re thankful for the invaluable work and experience she’s brought to the team. Please join us in wishing her luck in her next chapter in life, where she plans to write a book, travel with friends, and spend time with her parents and son. Good luck, Jaine!
