Welcoming Our Newest Associate Director: Kenn Oldham, PhD
Welcoming Our Newest Associate Director: Kenn Oldham, PhD
MCIRCC is thrilled to announce that Kenn Oldham, PhD, will be joining MCIRCC’s team of associate directors.
“I'm excited about the opportunities MCIRCC provides to really move technologies into robust clinical settings and onto a very diverse patient population–that is a really unique opportunity here at U-M. As an engineer, it’s important to see whether our work in the lab will still work in the much wider world,” said Oldham.
Professor Oldham is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and prior to joining the University of Michigan, he was a Research Fellow at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. He is a member of the Mechanical Engineering Vibration and Acoustics Laboratory and the Michigan center of the NIH Network for Translational Research.
As a mechanical engineer, Oldham’s expertise can have a huge impact across the spectrum of critical care. His research focuses on the intersection of micro-scale technology and control systems, and more recently he has particularly emphasized piezoelectric MEMS devices for actuation and/or sensing.
“It’s been an exciting opportunity to interact with much more of our clinical and commercialization expertise here at U-M. MCIRCC makes a continual effort to facilitate collaboration and technology transfer,” said Oldham.
“We’re very excited to have Dr. Oldham step into the role of an Associate Directorship position in MCIRCC. Kenn has been an active MCIRCC member since its inception and has taken his expertise in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) to develop a number of new critical care related sensors that may help us produce a new family of vital signs. Just as important is Kenn’s outstanding reputation as a collaborator helping to bridge engineering and medicine. The addition of Kenn as an Associate Director will help strengthen MCIRCC’s approach of using innovation and integration to save lives,” said MCIRCC’s Executive Director, Dr. Kevin Ward.
Please join us in welcoming Prof. Oldham to the team!