Recapping the 2018 HIMSS Conference
Recapping the 2018 HIMSS Conference
MCIRCC's Data Science team recently ventured to sunny Las Vegas for the 2018 HIMMS Conference to catch up on the latest and greatest in the health IT industry. Here's what they had to say about their experience:
HIMSS is the largest health IT conference in North America, which yearly attracts tens of thousands of people each year. The conference is designed to highlight the lastest and the greatest in the field of Health IT with participation from small startups to the largest corporations in the healthcare industry. The following are the biggest takeaways from our trip to the 2018 HIMSS conference in sunny Las Vegas.
The landscape was abuzz with themes such interoperability, analytics, security, cloud, and blockchain.
The conference also highlighted some of the big challenges in the healthcare space with regards to non-standardization of the data and infrastructure solutions that currently exists within the healthcare facilities across the nation.
It was evident that the term analytics was being broadly used more with solutions targeting the operational side of the health care business rather than improving patient care.
In summary, we came back from HIMSS encouraged knowing that MCIRCC’s unique implementation of our data infrastructure and our development of advanced healthcare analytics is still very much ahead of the curve in comparison to the larger healthcare businesses that dominated the scene.