Benjamin Curtis, DVM, DACVP
Dr. Curtis completed his bachelor’s degree in Biology at Grand Valley State University in 2009. After working in a small animal veterinary clinic for several years he went on to earn his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Michigan State University in 2016. He then completed a combined PhD and residency program in Anatomic Veterinary Pathology at Colorado State University. He is a Diplomat in the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and is currently preparing for the defense of his PhD from the department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology. His research has focused primarily on immunology related to coronaviral diseases, particularly Feline Infectious Peritonitis virus and SARS-CoV2. Throughout his training he worked on projects related to the development of novel vaccines, mucosal vaccine strategies utilizing recombinant probiotic bacteria, elucidation of complex pathologies utilizing proteomics, and non-invasive diagnostic development. During the COVID pandemic he was able to parlay his knowledge and skills related to feline coronaviruses into work with SARS-CoV2, for which he was trained for work in BSL-3 settings. Being somewhat of pragmatist, Dr. Curtis has also spent time focusing on developing effective science communication techniques for public / lay audiences, along with completion of the Research-2-Market seminar which is designed to teach researchers how to move their research beyond the benchtop and into application. At the University of Michigan Dr. Curtis enjoys his clinical duties as a staff pathologist in the ULAM Pathology Core as well as his teaching responsibilities with the ULAM residents.