H. David Humes, MD
Professor, Division of Nephrology, Internal Medicine
Dr. Humes is a Professor in the Division of Nephrology of the Department of Internal Medicine. He has served in the past as Chief of Medicine at the VA Medical Center in Ann Arbor and Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine of the University of Michigan. He graduated from the University of California, San Francisco. He completed post graduate training at UCSF, University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard. He served as a Harvard faculty member prior to joining the faculty at University of Michigan.
Dr. Humes’ research interest has spanned areas of stem cells, cell therapy, biomaterials, device fabrication, biomimetic membranes, nanofabrication and tissue engineering. He has published over 200 peer reviewed articles and book chapters and 85 issued or applied patents. He has had funding from NIH, NSF and DOD.
He is the scientific founder of several biotechnology spinout companies, including Nephros Therapeutics, RenaMed Biologics, CytoPherx and Innovative BioTherapies. These companies have translated the discoveries in his laboratory to treat acute and chronic renal failure, systemic inflammatory distress syndrome, and multiorgan failure. His group has been instrumental in developing cell-based and bioengineered devices for therapeutic applications in organ replacement therapy. These approaches have progressed into FDA approved IND and IDE Phase I/II. Phase II, and pivotal clinical trials.
Dr. Humes is the recipient of a number of awards, including Established Investigator at the American Heart Association, President’s Award from the National Kidney Foundation, A.N. Richards Distinguished Achievement Award in Nephrology, VA National Performance Award, Special Recognition Award from the Association of Professors of Medicine, and Laureate Award, American College of Physicians. He has been elected to honorific medical scientific societies, including the American Society of Clinical Investigation and Association of American Physicians.