Maxwell Raithel, MD
Maxwell D. Raithel is an Emergency Medicine resident at the University of Michigan and a rising Stanford Critical Care Medicine fellow. He is interested in medical technology and device development with a focus on improving the diagnostic and therapeutic adjuncts available to physicians in the acute care setting. During residency, he has been an inventor of two devices, VascuWire and VizMed, through partnerships with the Department of Biomedical Engineering. VascuWire is a single handed device to facilitate invasive vascular access under continuous ultrasound guidance. It has been a winner of the Wolverine Den research grant, a finalist in the Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition- Advanced Health category, and an ADVANCE Grant recipient for early commercialization. VizMed is a hyperangulated video laryngoscope with augmented functionality for use in soiled airways. It is currently undergoing design for usability iterations prior to broader physician testing.
Throughout training, Dr. Raithel has conducted research on predictive CT algorithms for frailty in trauma patients, surgical pulmonary embolectomy, and ECMO related topics including tracheostomy timing, decompressive laparotomy, and early ambulation. He has also taken an interest in improving the management of alcohol withdrawal in the intensive care setting.
Dr. Raithel received his undergraduate degree in Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience from the University of Michigan in 2015 and his MD from the University of Maryland in 2019.