Ronald F. Maio, DO, MS
Director, Office of Human Research Compliance Review (OHRCR)
Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)
Professor, Emergency Medicine
Dr. Maio is Professor Emeritus in Emergency Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School. He has also served as an assistant Dean in Research Regulatory Affairs for the Medical School and as Director of the Office of Human Research Compliance Review, Office of the Vice-President for Research, University of Michigan. His primary areas of research interest have been in the treatment and prevention of injuries in adults and adolescents and also the effectiveness of EMS systems. He has a particular interest in the relationship of alcohol and other drugs to injury and also the application of non-mortality outcome measures to EMS research and evaluation. Dr. Maio is a former and founding PI of the Great Lakes Node of the federally funded Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN). He also was the PI of the NHTSA funded Emergency Medical Systems Outcomes Project (EMSOP) and founded and was the former Director of the University of Michigan Injury Research Center, then housed in the Department of Emergency Medicine.