Steve Schwendeman, PhD
Ara G. Paul Professor and Chair, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Thrust Leader of the Biointerfaces Institute
Dr. Steven P. Schwendeman is the Ara G. Paul Professor and Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and the Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Thrust Leader of the Biointerfaces Institute, at the University of Michigan. He received a B.S.E. in Chemical Engineering (1986) and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics (1992) from the same university and was an NIH postdoctoral fellow (1992 - 1995) in the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT. He has published 80 papers and book chapters and >100 conference abstracts, has delivered 75 invited lectures, and is co-inventor on number of patents. His research has appeared in Nat. Biotech., PNAS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., J. Biol. Chem., Macromolecules, Biomaterials, J. Controlled Release, Pharm. Res., Vaccine, and may other prestigious journals. Prof. Schwendeman received the Young Investigator Award from the Controlled Release Society (CRS) in 2002 and an outstanding paper award in Consumer & Diversified Products from the CRS in 2010. He has served on the board of scientific advisors to the CRS, was a member of the Biomaterials and Biointerfaces NIH study section (2003 - 2008) and the NIH College of CSR Reviewers(2010 – present). After serving as Editor for Pharmaceutical Research (2004 - 2007), he joined the editorial team at the Journal of Controlled Release as Associate Editor of the Americas (2007 - present).
His research focus involves all aspects of the most commonly studied polymer for long-term controlled release of bioactive substances, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) PLGA and related copolymers, which includes: microencapsulation, stabilization and controlled release of PLGA-encapsulated small molecule, peptide and protein drugs, and vaccine antigens; mechanisms of microclimate pH development, drug instability, polymer self-healing, surface modification, and release kinetics; and site-specific delivery for treatment of cancer, and cardiovascular, bone, and ophthalmic diseases. Recently, his lab has begun to study mucoadhesive delivery systems for buccal and nasal applications. His research is currently funded by NIH, FDA, large pharmaceutical companies and private foundations.