William Barsan, MD
Professor, Emergency Medicine
Principal Investigator, Neurologic Emergency Treatment Trials Clinical Coordinating Center
William Barsan is Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan. His academic focus is translational research in stroke and other neurological emergencies. He is currently principal investigator of the Clinical Coordinating Center for the Neurological Emergencies Treatment Trials Network (NETT). This is a large cooperative award from the NINDS/NIH encompassing 22 academic sites across the country to conduct clinical trials in neurological emergencies. Dr. Barsan also has interest and expertise in adaptive clinical trials. He has been co-PI of the ADAPT-IT project funded by NIH and FDA to help advance regulatory science through the use of innovative adaptive clinical trials.
Dr. Barsan came to the University of Michigan in 1992, as the Section Chief for Emergency Medicine within the Department of Surgery. Prior to joining the UM, he was faculty at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. While in Cincinnati, Dr. Barsan was a founding member of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Stroke Team and has been involved in stroke clinical trials since 1983. He led the development of an Emergency Medicine Residency at the University of Michigan and spear-headed the creation of the Department of Emergency Medicine within the medical school in 1999. He has served as president of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine and the Association for Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Barsan served 8 years on the Board of Directors of the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) and was President of ABEM from 1998-99. He was elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine in 2003.