Digital External Ventricular Drain (DEVD) with Data Analytics Integration
Value Proposition
Accurate intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is essential to evaluating and treating traumatic brain injury (TBI) during the early hours of care. The DEVD improves accuracy of ICP measurements and control, providing real-time alerts to caregivers when changes occur. The device fits well into current workflows, allowing for easy integration, and provides caregivers with advanced options to deliver specific, individualized care to their patients.
Competitive Advantage
Fully automated
Fast and Accurate real-time streaming data
Allows for precision intracranial pressure monitoring and managment
Reduces critical mistakes and expands care capabilities of care teams
Valuable in combat-scenarios or mobilized emergencies, including military air transport
Serves as a rich data source for use in TBI care that could be utilized for advanced analytics and predictive modeling
Unique Features
Provides real-time alerts when patients change positions
Compatible with wireless device monitoring
Integrated laser for easier setup and alignment
Able to monitor pressure without disrupting flow settings
Cartridge-integrated technology to reduce waste and overhead
Principal Investigators
Rodney Daniels, MD
Ashwin Belle, PhD
Licensing Manager
Michelle Larkin
Intellectual Property
Invention Disclosure #7397
Patent application submitted
Marketing Materials
Solution Sheet
The current North American market for existing EVD systems is in excess of $150M. A new or existing EVD partner could revolutionize the market and capture a majority market share by utilizing a digital system like this.
The DEVD is currently available for optioning. Please contact the Licensing Manager, Michelle Larkin, for more information.
Funding History
$161,529 in non-dilutive funding
2016 $79,725 Massey Grand Challenge
2017 $81,804 Massey Grand Challenge
Substantial additional departmental, school and center based support
Completed Milestones
Build and bench testing of basic prototype with advanced A/D board integration
Self-contained prototype build with throwaway tubing and chamber to eliminate need for cleaning
Funding Organizations
None at this time