Bethany Moore, PhD
Nancy Williams Walls Professor and Chair, Microbiology & Immunology
Professor of Internal Medicine, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
(734) 936-0854
Dr. Moore earned her PhD in Immunology from U.T. Southwestern and completed post-doctoral training at U.T. Southwestern and Stanford University before joining the faculty at the University of Michigan in the Department of Internal Medicine in 1997. She rose through the ranks in Internal Medicine, ultimately holding the Galen B. Toews professorship and serving as the Director of the Graduate Program in Immunology. In 2019, she was named the interim chair for the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and in 2021, she was named the Nancy Williams Walls Professor and Chair of that department. She is the PI of the “Research Training in Experimental Immunology” T32 and won the Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentoring award. Her research focuses on the pathogenesis of lung injury and remodeling, particularly on immune and pathogen-mediated mechanisms of injury, progression and exacerbation and on pulmonary host defense. She was honored with the Recognition Award for Scientific Accomplishments and the Elizabeth A. Rich Award from the American Thoracic Society and currently serves as chair of the LCMI study section and as Associate Editor for JCI Insight.